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Wickid wrote:
Actually had to make that decision for myself a few years ago. I was facing brain surgery when my JW father stepped up and and boldly informed my surgeon that there would be no blood transfusions. I was 30 at the time. The surgeon said: "well okay, if that's your wish, I'll honor it. But you should know that you have an artery as big as my thumb near the area I'll be cutting. If I accidentally knick it, there's a good chance you will bleed to death." After some very objective research and serious soul-searching, I was able to secretly get the 8x10 "no blood" decal removed from the outside of my medical file without my family knowing about it. Just to be sure, I made my best friend, who is an attorney, responsible for my healthcare decisions, and had the Advanced Directive form removed from my chart as well. In the surgery prep area I was acosted by an incredibly zealous JW scrub nurse who said she had seen my "no blood" forms, and by golly, she was on my side and was going to make sure I didn't get any of that evil stuff. Like a trooper, my pal stepped up and took care if it before she could finish her sentence as I was being wheeled off. I never had to say a word, and I never had to disappoint my family with the news of reversing my decision. Everything went fine, and no transfusion was necessary, but that is such a hard decision to make after a lifetime of indoctrination. I just couldn't believe that the God I serve would value blood more than the life it could save.